

How to Set Up Budgets

Budgets allow you to mitigate underspend. To set up a new budget, navigate to the Targeting tab of Demand Tags, Demand Partners, and Campaigns and select the Budgeting dropdown. Click the "+New Budget" button and a Budget container will appear where you can set your budget, pacing, and type. Additional budgets for different periods can be set by clicking the "+New Budget" button. Flight Dates can also be set in the Budgeting section. If your flight dates have already passed, a warning will populate below the text box in red. 

Available Budget Options

You can create multiple budgets with below combinations. 

  • Budget Types: Impressions, Requests, Revenue, Click, and Completes

  • Budget Periods: Hour, Day, Week, Month, and Lifetime

    • Week periods pace from Sunday - Saturday
    • Month periods pace the calendar month
  • Pacing: Asap, Even, Front-Loaded

Restrictions: *Note that you cannot create multiple budgets with the same time periods on the same object ie two monthly budgets on a demand tag. Also note that if you select a lifetime budget, you must also specify the flight dates.

How often are budgeting checks done?

We do a budget lookup every two minutes in the system.

How does Pacing Work?

ASAP Pacing:

In ASAP pacing, we aim to complete the budget immediately for the allotted time frame. For example, if you set ASAP pacing on 10 requests per day and you receive 10 requests during our first budget check, then during our next budget check, we will block your requests.

Front Loaded Pacing:

In front-loaded pacing, we pace the first 35% of the budget as ASAP, and then evenly pace the remaining budget over the course of the flight. For example, if you had a 100,000 impression budget over a 100 day flight set to Front Loaded pacing, during the first set front loaded budgeting on impressions with a time period of 1 hour, then during the first 21 minutes, we would see the budget cap climb to 100% at a generally even pace.

Even Pacing:

With evenly paced budgeting, we aim to serve 100% of traffic allotment (budget) within 95% of the budget period's available time. This ensures that the budget has a chance to be completed, and if traffic was inconsistent, 5% of the remaining time to finish it off. For a normal 24 hour day, this would cause the budget to be open by hour 23 of the day. Even pacing behaves the same as SMOOTH pacing except for the behavior when adjusting mid-flight budget values.

If budget values are adjusted mid-flight the Even pacing calculation equals (original pacing amount) / (remaining number of periods). For mid-flight budget increases, this pacing type may result in a 'spike' in delivery as the system effectively tries to spend the added budget as soon as possible. For mid-flight budget decreases, this pacing type will result in a period of zero delivery as the system waits for the pacing system to catch up over time.

Smooth Pacing:

Smooth pacing behaves the same as EVEN pacing except for the behavior when adjusting mid-flight budget values.

If budget values are adjusted mid-flight the Smooth pacing calculation equals (remaining budget amount) / (remaining number of periods). For mid-flight budget increases, this pacing type will result in an incremental 'step up' in delivery, but not a 'spike' in delivery. For mid-flight budget decreases, this pacing type will result in an incremental 'step down' in delivery, but not a prolonged period of zero delivery.

How does day-parting impact budgets?

Day parting allows you to select which days of the week/ and on what time slots you want your requests to come through. The time is calculated in EST time. When pacing is enabled on top of day parting, we look at how many hours are in the selected time period for that day and pace based on that time frame, not a 24 hour time frame.

Why did my budget overspend?
Overspend is likely if you have a small budget and high volumes of traffic. You can overspend your budget if you receive a sudden surge of high volume traffic while we are conducting a budget check or before we have conducted our next budget check. If you are reaching the revenue cap very quickly in a few minutes using ASAP pacing, you can mitigate this issue by initiating even pacing and that would likely help reduce this problem of revenue caps not holding.

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