Custom Themes and URLs

Please speak to your account manager if you would like to set up a custom theme in SpringServe. For us to set up a custom instance, we will need the following: 

  1. subdomain url: 

    • provide us with a subdomain such as

    • We will then create NS entries for you to implement and then we will manage the rest.

    • Once complete, console access will be available from

    • If desired, tags can be exported using the custom url as well in the form…

  2. Header Image

    • 300 x 64 png file with transparent background

  3. Favicon

    • 300 x 300 square icon png

  4. Color theme: 

    • hex codes for preferred primary, secondary, and tertiary colors

      • teal, orange, and purple, respectively in our standard UI

    • hex codes for header background and header text