SpringServe's Direct Connect feature allows you interact taglessly with other SpringServe users. The benefits of migrating from tags to Direct Connect are numerous, and include:
- Reduction in Latency - Because the Direct Connect deals with SpringServe to SpringServe interactions, only a single VPAID needs to be initialized. Reducing the number of VPAIDs that need to be initialized reduces the latency by two to three seconds.
- Control - Applying targeting to your Connected Supply restricts requests sent to your supply. There is no need to confirm with your Direct Connection that they have applied the same targeting on their side. You will also be able to target specific supply tags that your Connected Supply is buying and conversely, you will be able to target specific demand tags that your Connected Demand is selling to.
- Access - Direct Connect allows you to expand your business by directly accessing demand or supply of other SpringServe users.
- Streamlining your business - SpringServe acts as the clearing house for DirectConnect transactions. There is no need to have a separate IO with each of your DirectConnect partners.
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