Open Market Reporting

Open Market Reporting

Filter for Open Market Reporting

You can report on your Open Market activity across your entire account by running a report with 'Demand Class' filtered as 'Open Market'. To see this activity across your supply partners, add 'Supply Partner' as a Dimension. This shows Open Market activity per Supply Partner.


Report results:

Reporting on Bidder Activity

You can also report on individual bidder activity within the Open Market by choosing the "Programmatic Connect Report" template and using the Open Market demand type filter (once again). 


This will reveal metrics that are specific to Programmatic Connect such as:

  • Bid Requests: A request for bid to a bidder within Programmatic Connect.
  • Bids: A response from a bidder that contains a bid. 
  • Wins: When a bidder's response is chosen. 
  • Bid %: The number of bids divided by the number of bid requests * 100.
  • Win %: The number of wins divided by the number of bid requests * 100.
  • Bid Fill %: The number of impressions divided by the number of bids * 100.
  • Win Fill %: The number of impressions divided by the number of wins * 100.
  • Bidder Errors: Logged when a request to a bidder does not result in an impression.

These metrics always appear in other areas of the UI specific to Programmatic Connect. 

Real-Time Bidder Performance

To check real-time Open Market performance for a particular bidder, just go to Demand → Open Market and select the bidder in question.