Create Reports Best Practices

Create Reports is a very powerful tool, allowing you to see a number of metrics based on a wide variety of dimensions and filters, updated by the minute. This allows you to go from a high level view to a detailed picture in minimal time. These best practices will help you optimize your experience of the SpringServe platform through Create Reports.

Supply Reports

Blocked Rate

You'll notice that there are two types of blocked requests - by Targeting and by Pre-Bid. The Blocked (Total) column is the total number of blocked requests. 

Blocked (Targeting)

These are blocked requests based on your Supply Tag's targeting settings. Order this report by Blocked % (Targeting) descending. There are two results that you should look for:

Blocked rate 100%

A likely cause for this is that your supply partner is not implementing your macros correctly. You can email support at if you see tags with high traffic and 100% blocked rate, and our support team can confirm if this is the case.

High blocked rate, below 100%

If your tag is blocking (via targeting) a majority of the traffic coming in, this would imply that you have targeting set on your tag that your supply partners do not have on their end. 

To check, go to your tag and check what targeting you have set. Then run a new report with the dimension set to ONE of those targeting parameters at a time, and again toggle to full view. If you see the traffic under your targeted setting blocking 0% of traffic, but the rest of the traffic is coming in at 100% blocked, this is the targeting that your supply partners need to become aware of. 

*It is advised to check declared player size or country first before domains, simply due to the amount of data returned. 

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Blocked (Pre-Bid)

Blocked requests based on Pre-Bid IVT is only possible if the supply tag has Pre-Bid IVT Filtering enabled in the tag's settings. Pre-Bid blocking happens at the request level. 

Pre-Bid IVT is based on a multitude of factors. If you do see a supply tag with high Pre-Bid IVT rate, you should speak with your supply partner about the quality of the inventory they are sending you.

Note that this data is unavailable for Detected Domains, because a domain can only be detected if a request is not blocked.

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Opportunity Rate

Opportunities are recorded when the VPAID initializes. Opportunity rate is calculated as opportunities/requests. Note that VAST only (ctv) tags will have an opportunity rate of 0 because there is no VPAID to initialize. 

Run a report which includes Opp % as a metric and order by Opp % ascending. 

0% opportunity rate

If your tag has a 0% opportunity rate and high traffic, check that it actually has 0 opportunities, instead of a very low number where the opportunity rate rounded down to 0%. 

If your tag is set to VPAID enabled, this could be due to an issue with the player that the tag is being sent to. Please reach out to your supply partner to find out what the setup is on their end, and then contact with that information so our support team can assist.

Low opportunity rate, above 0%

Low opportunity rates mean that your tag is low on the waterfall. Speak with your supply partners about how you can be moved up the waterfall.

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Missed Opportunities

Missed opportunities means the targeting on your supply tag does not match the targeting on your demand tags. For example, if a supply tag is targeting English speaking geos and your demand tags only target US and UK, everything coming in from CA and AU will register as a missed opportunity. You can run the same type of report recommended for high blocked rate, and see what type of targeting is causing these missed opportunities. From there you can discover what kind of demand should be added to the waterfall or you can add targeting to your supply tag. If you apply supply tag targeting, make sure to share your targeting with your supply partner so they implement it on their end as well.

Missed opportunities do not necessarily mean that there is a problem. Aligning your supply tags and demand tags is a recommendation, not a requirement. 

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Demand Reports

Ad Rate

The Ads column reports the number of non-empty VAST responses. The Ad Rate is the number of Ads divided by the number of Ad Requests. 

Low Ad Rate

Low ad rate means that your targeting is not aligned with your demand partners. Contact your partners to receive their targeting so that you can apply it on your end as well. It is also possible that your demand partner requires additional macros to be passed. Note that a macro must be implemented on the supply tag in order for it to be passed on the demand tag.

0% Ad Rate

0% ad rate can also mean that your demand partner may have paused the tag on their end. You can reach out to your partner to confirm. 

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