Saved Reports

Saved Reports

Download Reports

If you run a very large report in Create Reports, SpringServe will prompt you to name your report and continue to the Download Report page, where you will be able to download your report once it has completed. This page saves all reports that you have decided to download. 

The table of reports will show you who created the report, the time it was created, and the status of the downloaded report. Click on the table row to see more details about the report, such as the time range, interval, dimensions, and filters.

Change the report name by clicking the pencil icon next to the report name. In the actions column, there are icons to download the report as a CSV, download the report as a zipped file, rerun the report in the UI, and delete the report.

Scheduled Reports

You may have a report that you like to run on a regular basis. You can automatically run it and have it emailed to specified users or external supply clients.

Different dimensions are available based on the type of user:

User type

Inaccessible dimensions

Demand Client

Supply tag, Supply partner, Demand Account Manager, Demand Class, Demand Code, Demand Environment, Demand Tag Label, Pod Setting, Response Type, Router, Selling Supply Tag, Supply Account Manager, Supply CPM, Supply Type, Marketplace Type, Key

Supply Client/External email

Demand tag, Buying Demand Tag, Campaign, Campaign Code, Demand Account Manager, Demand Class, Demand Code, Demand Environment, Demand Partner, Demand Tag Label Pod Setting, Router, Selling Supply Tag, Supply Account Manager, Supply CPM, Supply Type, Marketplace Type, Deal Id, Key

Navigating to Scheduled Reports

There are two ways to access scheduled reports: by setting your report parameters and clicking the calendar icon button, or by selecting Saved Reports from the Reporting menu and going to the Scheduled Reports tab. When accessing scheduled reports on the Saved Reports page, you can add a new scheduled report by clicking the +Scheduled Report button.

If you want to create a scheduled report from the main reporting page, you can do so by setting the desired report parameters and clicking the calendar icon button.

Creating a Scheduled Report

Report Parameters

On the Settings tab of a New Scheduled Report, you can set your report parameters.  All filters/dimensions that are available on the Create Reports page are available for your scheduled reports. If you used the calendar icon button on the Create Reports page, the parameters will be pre-populated with those from the Create Reports page. Date RangeIntervalTime Zone and Dimensions are shown at the top of the page, and Filters, Metrics, and Conditions can be expanded and set.

Schedule Settings

In the Schedule Settings section, you can name your report, set the interval for email (ad hoc, daily, weekly, or monthly), and select your recipients. Ad hoc reports are emailed a single time.

When you select DailyWeekly, or Monthly intervals, you can specify the Date Range to be Indefinite or have an end date. Clicking Enabled in the Date Range field will display the date range box, and clicking in this box allows you to select start and end dates.

For weekly reports, you can select the day or days you would like it to run.

Monthly reports can be sent on the first or the fifteenth of the month.

There is no limit to the number of recipients that can receive a scheduled report. Any type of SpringServe user can be set as a recipient of the scheduled report. Client users will receive reports with metrics and dimensions applicable to their partner. Include external emails at your own risk. SpringServe is not responsible for the dissemination of the report.


In the Message section, specify Report Permissions by selecting between Link Sharing, Require Login, and Attach CSV. When you select Link Sharing, the report is available to anyone with the link and does not require any login. If you opt to require login, the recipient must be logged into their view of your SpringServe account before downloading the report. The report can also be sent as a CSV attachment when Attach CSV is selected; attachments are limited to 7 MB and will be sent via link if that size is exceeded. Note that if csv or link sharing is used, SpringServe is not responsible for dissemination of the data in the report, so use caution when making your permissions selection.

You can edit the default message in the text box. The report parameters will also be displayed in the body of the email.

Clicking the Apply button will save the scheduled report and two buttons will appear in the upper right hand corner for downloading and sending the report.

Managing Scheduled Reports

On the Scheduled Reports tab, scheduled reports for your account are shown. Scheduled reports are editable; if you need to change recipients or the frequency of the report, for example, simply click on the report name and you will be taken to the Settings tab for that scheduled report. 

To see reports that have been run, click the number in the Reports column; a modal will appear showing the report history.

Hovering over the number in the recipients column will show the users that are sent the report. For reports that are run on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, you can also click the icon in the Active column. A red icon in this column indicates that the end date has passed and the report will no longer be sent. A teal icon in this column indicates that the report is scheduled to go out.

You can download, duplicate, and delete your scheduled reports. In the actions column you will find icons for each of these actions, as well as the icon that links to the appropriately filtered create report page. Note that the last completed report will be downloaded when selecting download.

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You have the ability to create templates for common reports in the SpringServe reporting UI.

SpringServe Default Templates

By default, the reporting UI will load with the SpringServe Supply Report. 

SpringServe Supply Report metrics

  • Numbers: Requests, Blocked (Total), Opps, Imps
  • Calculations: Req Fill %
  • Response Metrics: Errors, Errors %, Timeouts
  • Financials: Revenue, Media Cost, Profit (Net), Margin (Net), RPM, CPM, PPM (Net)

If you are on the demand team, you may want to change your default template to the SpringServe Demand Report. See below on how to change your default template.

SpringServe Demand Report metrics

  • Numbers: Ad Requests, Opps, Imps
  • Calculations: Req Fill %
  • Response Metrics: Errors, Errors %, Timeouts
  • Financials: Revenue, Media Cost, Profit (Net), Margin (Net), RPM, CPM, PPM (Net), Score

If your account is enabled for PC, you also have the Programmatic Connect report template pre-loaded:

  • Numbers: Bid Requests, Bids, Wins, Imps
  • Calculations: Bid %, Bid Fill %, Win %, Win Fill %
  • Response Metrics: Bidder Errors
  • Financials: Revenue, RPM

Creating a Template

There are two ways to create a reporting template:

  1. On the Templates tab of Saved Reports, click the + Report Template button. You will be redirected to a New Report Template page, where you can set the name, description, parameters, dimensions, filters, and metrics for your report.
  2. On the Create Reports page, set your desired report parameters, dimensions, filters, and metrics and click the floppy disk icon to the far right of the Run Report button. You will be taken to a New Report Template page that has been pre-loaded; add a name and description and save.

You will see all your report templates in a table on the Templates tab. To edit the template, click on the name. To see details of the template, click in the Description, Created, or Last Updated columns. You can also click on the icons in the action column to delete, duplicate, run, and set as your default.

Default Template Selection

Once you have created your reporting templates, you can select the default template that will load when you navigate to the Create Reports page. There are two ways to set your default template:

  1. Click the star in the actions column on the Templates tab of Saved Reports.
  2. Select your Default report template from the dropdown in the Settings section of the Edit Profile page.

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