

Tiles is SpringServes solution to display advertising on connected TV devices. Tiles is supported in any environment but the solution was built with CTV in mind. Tile is a new format in SpringServe, available on Supply Routers, Supply Tags, Demand Tags, and Creatives. When enabled, it allows publishers and advertisers to serve static image assets as creative content.

Built around the Native ad format, Tile offers enhanced flexibility for creative customization. However, it does not support video formats like VAST or VPAID.

Setting up your Tiles Supply

  1. Select Tile as the Format on your supply tag.

  • This will reveal optional size settings, allowing you to define the placement size and match it with the corresponding demand.

  1. Size Options:

  • Standard: Offers a dropdown list of predefined sizes.

  • Dynamic: The default setting. If left blank, no size targeting is applied. Otherwise, you can specify

  • sizes using the macro sizes={{TILE_SIZES}}. For multiple sizes, separate them using a comma or pipe delimiter.
    Example: sizes=225x225|300x600 or sizes=225x225,300x600

  • Custom: Allows you to input specific height and width dimensions.

  1. Screen settings:

Screen settings offer unique deduplication across screens. By default, this feature is off (set to "None"). If set to "Dedupe," the system adds screen_id to the supply export URL. Each supply request must include a unique screen_id. If the same screen_id is passed in different supply requests, SpringServe will deduplicate creatives to avoid serving the same one multiple times.



  • Supply request 1 returns creative ID 98765:

  • Supply request 2 with the same screen_id will never return creative ID 98765:
    https://tiles.springserve.com/nv/23456?screen_id=6789432&cb={{CACHEBUSTER}}&ip={{IP}}&ua={{USER_AGENT}}&did={{DEVICE_ID}}ainst each other.

Setting up your Tiles Demand

Demand Tags in SpringServe also support the Tile format. To create a Tag, Assets, House Ads, or Line Items, select Tile as the format. Please note that Header Bidder support is currently unavailable for this format.


Image Sources for Tiles can be provided in three ways:

  1. File: Upload an image file.

    1. PNG

    2. JPEG/JPG

    3. GIF

  2. URL: Link to an image hosted online.

  3. Custom Code: Submit custom HTML or JSON code. This code must be uploaded as a creative to ensure proper rendering. If you require custom code responses, please coordinate with your account manager. For custom code we created the following macros to be used.






Use this to track additional 3rd party impression pixels


use this to track additional 3rd party click pixels


Links to images hosted outside of SpringServe.


Defines the width for creative asset targeting.


Defines the height for creative asset targeting.

Managing your creatives:

Creatives can be hosted either within SpringServe or on an external CDN. Regardless of where they are stored, each creative will be assigned a unique creative ID.



Requesting Tiles

The Tiles request follows the Native spec and uses a unique endpoint in SpringServe. Tiles can be requested through both Supply Routers and Supply Tags.


  • Supply Routers: https://tiles.springserve.com/nvr/#

  • Supply Tags: https://tiles.springserve.com/nv/#

sample request:


sample response:

Responses are in a standard Native Open RTB format. Custom responses can be organized with the help of your TAM but keep in mind that they require additional development time.

{ "id": "5153930f-f85f-4e28-9e06-b2d63f6fb86a", "seatbid": [ { "bid": [ { "id": "1", "impid": "1", "price": 0, "adid": "993966", "adm": "{ \"native\": {\"ver\":\"1.1\",\"assets\":[{\"id\":3169302,\"img\":{\"url\":\"https://assets.springserve.com/tile_creatives/000/357/973/TileDisplayPlaceholderSquare.png\",\"w\":1000,\"h\":1000}}],\"link\":{\"url\":\"https://www.springserve.com\",\"clicktrackers\":[\"https://vid-io-iad.springserve.com/vd/i?event=js_click&dtid=993966&a_cc=s.666213-d.993966-cv.357973&cb=2081458587810&id=666213&aid=1&d=&w=1920&h=1080&cc=US&uuid=5153930f-f85f-4e28-9e06-b2d63f6fb86a&pp=&_dsp_bf_cur=UNKNOWN&ip=\",\"https://pixel.springserve.com/segments?click=&_pi=1&_j=\"]},\"imptrackers\":[\"https://vid-io-iad.springserve.com/vd/i?event=vast_impression&_dsp_bf_cur=UNKNOWN&ip=\",\"https://pixel.springserve.com/segments?segment_id=10751&hc=081ec8b3&did=dd9c187b-09a1-859f-ab6c-5ffec939aa7d\"]} }", "crid": "357973" } ] } ], "cur": "USD" }


Reporting Tiles

To view your Tile inventory performance, navigate to SpringServe's Account Activity page and click the Tile logo. This will display reporting on all of your Tile inventory, with key metrics such as: Requests, Impressions, Request fill%, Clicks, Revenue, and RMP.


Additionally, the Reporting page includes a pre-built report called Tiles Report, which automatically selects the relevant Tile data and excludes any video-related metrics that do not apply.



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