Budgets API
Budgets API
Create a Budget
Required parameters: budget_metric, budget_value, budget_period
Optional parameter: budget_pacing (if you leave blank it defaults to ASAP)
Budget pacing values: "front_loaded" or "even"
Please note that if you want to add a budget on top of a preexisting one, it cannot have the same budget period.
Use tab completion with SDK to auto-complete function names or show field options!
In [1]: import springserve In [2]: tag = springserve.demand_tags.get(30424) In [3]: new_budget = { "budget_metric": "requests", #mandatory "budget_period": "day", #mandatory "budget_pacing": "even", #optional "budget_value": 300 #mandatory "vast_caching_adjustment": True, #optional "vast_caching_lookback_seconds": None, #optional "vast_caching_multiplier": None, #optional "ignore_supply_allocations": False, #optional "budget_value_currency": "USD" #optional } In [4]: tag.budgets.append(new_budget) In [5]: tag.save() In [6]: tag.ok Out [5]: True
PUT /api/v0/demand_tags/<id>
Content-Type application/json Authorization "yourAuthToken"
Body (example)
{ "budgets":[{ "budget_metric":"requests", "budget_value":300, "budget_period":"day" }] }
Status code 200
{ "id": 316932, "account_id": 391, "name": "test_tag", "active": true, "rate": "0.01", … "budgets": [ { "id": 139151, "budget_metric": "requests", "budget_period": "day", "budget_pacing": null, "budget_value": 300, "vast_caching_adjustment": True, "vast_caching_lookback_seconds": None, "vast_caching_multiplier": None, "ignore_supply_allocations": False, "budget_value_currency": "USD" } ], "frequency_caps": [] }
Edit a Budget
In [1]: tag = springserve.demand_tags.get(30424) In [2]: tag.budgets = {"id":"139151", "budget_value":200} In [3]: changed = tag.save() In [4]: changed.ok Out [4]: True In [5]: print tag.budgets Out [5]:[{u'budget_metric': u'requests', u'budget_pacing': None, u'budget_period': u'week', u'budget_value': 200, u'id': 139151}]
PUT /api/v0/demand_tags/<id>
Content-Type application/json Authorization "yourAuthToken"
Body (example)
{ |
Required parameters: id
Status code 200
{ "id": 316932, "account_id": 391, "name": "test_tag", "active": true, "rate": "0.01", … "budgets": [ { "id": 139151, "budget_metric": "requests", "budget_period": "day", "budget_pacing": "front_loaded", "budget_value": 1300 } ], "frequency_caps": [] }
, multiple selections available,
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