Supply Routers API
Supply Routers API
Creating a Supply Router
Use tab completion with SDK to auto-complete function names or show field options.
router = springserve.supply_routers.new({"name": "Test Router", "supply_partner_id":47340}) print router.id, router.name 1764 Test Router
Method: POST
Endpoint URL: /api/v0/supply_routers
name - (required, type: string) Name of the new supply router.
- (required, type: integer) ID of supply partner to be associated with.
POST /api/v0/supply_routers Content-Type: application/json Authorization: "yourAuthToken" { "name": "Test Router 3", "supply_partner_id":66463 }
HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json { "id": 25530, "account_id": 391, "name": "Test Router", "active": true, "supply_partner_id": 66463, "environment": "ctv", "domain_white_list": "", "app_name_white_list": "", "app_bundle_white_list": "", "ip_white_list": "", "advertiser_domain_white_list": "", "post_imp_detection_enabled": false, "post_imp_percentage_whiteops": 0, "post_imp_percentage_ias": 0, "post_imp_percentage_moat": 0, "post_imp_percentage_protected": 0, "post_imp_percentage_forensiq": 0, "pre_bid_blocking_enabled": false, "pre_bid_blocking_components": [], "key_ids": [], "note": null, "min_aspect_ratio": null, "max_aspect_ratio": null, "format": "video", "third_party_override": true, "player_sizes": [ "xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl", "u" ], "domain_list_ids": [], "advertiser_domain_list_ids": [], "app_bundle_list_ids": [], "app_name_list_ids": [], "ip_list_ids": [], "user_agent_devices": [], "user_agent_brands": [], "user_agent_operating_systems": [], "user_agent_browsers": [], "segment_targeting_enabled": false, "blocking_unknown_advertiser_domains": false, "country_source": "values", "country_list_ids": [], "dma_source": "values", "dma_list_ids": [], "targeted_iab_category_white_list": "", "targeted_iab_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_category_white_list": "", "dnt_values": [], "dnt_param_required": false, "lmt_values": [], "lmt_param_required": false, "us_privacy_supply_white_list": "", "us_privacy_param_required": false, "us_privacy_values": [], "gdpr_supply_values": [], "gdpr_supply_param_required": false, "gdpr_consent_string_values": [], "gdpr_consent_param_required": false, "coppa_values": [], "coppa_param_required": false, "audited_creative_statuses": [], "country_white_list": "", "country_codes": [], "dma_white_list": "", "dma_codes": [], "tag_pixels": [], "segment_groups": [], "supply_router_ratios": [] }
Python Example
import requests import json url = "https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers" payload = json.dumps({ "name": "Test Router", "supply_partner_id": 66463 }) headers = { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text)
NodeJS Example
var request = require('request'); var options = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': 'https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers', 'headers': { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ "name": "Test Router", "supply_partner_id": 66463 }) }; request(options, function (error, response) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(response.body); });
Get a Supply Router
In [1]: per = springserve.supply_routers.get(1234) In [2]: print router.name "Test Router"
Method: GET
Endpoint URL: /api/v0/supply_routers/<id>
id - (required, type: integer) ID of the supply router.
GET /api/v0/supply_routers/25528 Content-Type: application/json Authorization: "yourAuthToken"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": 25528, "account_id": 391, "name": "Rest API Demo Router", "active": true, "supply_partner_id": 66463, "environment": "desktop", "domain_white_list": "", "app_name_white_list": "", "app_bundle_white_list": "", "ip_white_list": "", "advertiser_domain_white_list": "", "post_imp_detection_enabled": false, "post_imp_percentage_whiteops": 0, "post_imp_percentage_ias": 0, "post_imp_percentage_moat": 0, "post_imp_percentage_protected": 0, "post_imp_percentage_forensiq": 0, "pre_bid_blocking_enabled": false, "pre_bid_blocking_components": [], "key_ids": [], "note": "", "min_aspect_ratio": null, "max_aspect_ratio": null, "format": "video", "third_party_override": true, "player_sizes": [ "xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl", "u" ], "domain_list_ids": [], "advertiser_domain_list_ids": [], "app_bundle_list_ids": [], "app_name_list_ids": [], "ip_list_ids": [], "user_agent_devices": [], "user_agent_brands": [], "user_agent_operating_systems": [], "user_agent_browsers": [], "segment_targeting_enabled": false, "blocking_unknown_advertiser_domains": false, "country_source": "values", "country_list_ids": [], "dma_source": "values", "dma_list_ids": [], "targeted_iab_category_white_list": "", "targeted_iab_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_category_white_list": "", "dnt_values": [], "dnt_param_required": false, "lmt_values": [], "lmt_param_required": false, "us_privacy_supply_white_list": "", "us_privacy_param_required": false, "us_privacy_values": [], "gdpr_supply_values": [], "gdpr_supply_param_required": false, "gdpr_consent_string_values": [], "gdpr_consent_param_required": false, "coppa_values": [], "coppa_param_required": false, "audited_creative_statuses": [], "country_white_list": "", "country_codes": [], "dma_white_list": "", "dma_codes": [], "tag_pixels": [], "segment_groups": [], "supply_router_ratios": [] }
Python Example
import requests import json url = "https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers/25528" payload = {} headers = { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text)
NodeJS Example
var request = require('request'); var options = { 'method': 'GET', 'url': 'https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers/25528', 'headers': { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } }; request(options, function (error, response) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(response.body); });
Edit a Supply Router
In [1]: router = springserve.supply_routers.get(1234) In [2]: router.name = "Test Router with new name" In [3]: changed = router.save() In [4]: changed.ok Out [4]: True In [5]: print changed.name "Test Router with new name"
Method: PATCH
Endpoint URL: /api/v0/supply_routers/<id>
Notes - See response for all parameters that can be edited.
id - (required, type: integer) ID of the supply router.
PATCH /api/v0/supply_routers/25528 HTTP/1.1 Host: console.springserve.com Content-Type: application/json Authorization: "yourAuthToken" { "name": "New API Demo Router Name" }
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "id": 25530, "account_id": 391, "name": "New API Demo Router Name", "active": true, "supply_partner_id": 66463, "environment": "ctv", "domain_white_list": "", "app_name_white_list": "", "app_bundle_white_list": "", "ip_white_list": "", "advertiser_domain_white_list": "", "post_imp_detection_enabled": false, "post_imp_percentage_whiteops": 0, "post_imp_percentage_ias": 0, "post_imp_percentage_moat": 0, "post_imp_percentage_protected": 0, "post_imp_percentage_forensiq": 0, "pre_bid_blocking_enabled": false, "pre_bid_blocking_components": [], "key_ids": [], "note": null, "min_aspect_ratio": null, "max_aspect_ratio": null, "format": "video", "third_party_override": true, "player_sizes": [ "xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl", "u" ], "domain_list_ids": [], "advertiser_domain_list_ids": [], "app_bundle_list_ids": [], "app_name_list_ids": [], "ip_list_ids": [], "user_agent_devices": [], "user_agent_brands": [], "user_agent_operating_systems": [], "user_agent_browsers": [], "segment_targeting_enabled": false, "blocking_unknown_advertiser_domains": false, "country_source": "values", "country_list_ids": [], "dma_source": "values", "dma_list_ids": [], "targeted_iab_category_white_list": "", "targeted_iab_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_categories": [], "targeted_iab_tier2_category_white_list": "", "dnt_values": [], "dnt_param_required": false, "lmt_values": [], "lmt_param_required": false, "us_privacy_supply_white_list": "", "us_privacy_param_required": false, "us_privacy_values": [], "gdpr_supply_values": [], "gdpr_supply_param_required": false, "gdpr_consent_string_values": [], "gdpr_consent_param_required": false, "coppa_values": [], "coppa_param_required": false, "audited_creative_statuses": [], "country_white_list": "", "country_codes": [], "dma_white_list": "", "dma_codes": [], "tag_pixels": [], "segment_groups": [], "supply_router_ratios": [] }
Python Example
import requests import json url = "https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers/25528" payload = { "name": "New API Demo Router Name" } headers = { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request("PATCH", url, headers=headers, data=payload) print(response.text)
NodeJS Example
var request = require('request'); var options = { 'method': 'PATCH', 'url': 'https://console.springserve.com/api/v0/supply_routers/25528', 'headers': { 'Authorization': 'yourAuthToken', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ "name": "New API Demo Router Name" }) }; request(options, function (error, response) { if (error) throw new Error(error); console.log(response.body); });
Object Descriptions
Object Name | Value Type | Object Description | Example | Notes |
Id | integer | supply router ID | 25530 | |
account_id | integer | account ID | 391 | |
name | string | supply router name | "API Example Router" | |
active | boolean | status of router | true / false | |
supply_partner_id | integer | ID of supply partner assigned | 66463 | |
environment | string | supply device environment type | "desktop" / "mobile_web" / "in_app" / "ctv" | |
domain_white_list | boolean | domain targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all domains) | use for environment "desktop" or "mobile_web". use in conjunction with domain_list_ids |
domain_list_ids | array integer | ID of domain lists | [211852, 123456] | created under targeting tab in UI. use in conjunction with domain_white_list |
app_name_white_list | boolean | app name targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all app names) | use for environment "in_app" or "ctv". use in conjunction with app_name_list_ids |
app_name_list_ids | array | ID of app name lists | [527, 5352] | created under targeting tab in UI. use in conjunction with app_name_white_list |
app_bundle_white_list | boolean | app bundle targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all bundles) | use for environment "in_app" or "ctv". use in conjunction with app_bundle_list_ids |
app_bundle_list_ids | array integer | ID of app bundle lists | [250761, 247375] | created under targeting tab in UI. use in conjunction with app_bundle_white_list |
ip_white_list | boolean | IP targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all IPs) | use in conjunction with ip_list_ids |
ip_list_ids | array integer | ID of IP lists | [164, 907] | created under targeting tab in UI. use in conjunction with ip_white_list |
advertiser_domain_white_list | boolean | advertiser domain active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all advertiser domains) | use in conjunction with advertiser_domain_list_ids |
advertiser_domain_list_ids | array integer | ID of advertiser domain lists | [433, 484] | created under targeting tab in UI. use in conjunction with advertiser_domain_white_list |
post_imp_detection_enabled | boolean | post impression detection active | true / false | specify the portion of impressions on which to run verification. sampling rates are independant per verification provider. use in conjunction with below post_imp_percentage fields |
post_imp_percentage_whiteops | integer | post impression percentage Whiteops (HUMAN) | 0 - 100 | use in conjunction with below post_imp_detection_enabled |
post_imp_percentage_ias | integer | post impression percentage IAS | 0 - 100 | use in conjunction with below post_imp_detection_enabled |
post_imp_percentage_moat | integer | post impression percentage MOAT | 0 - 100 | use in conjunction with below post_imp_detection_enabled |
post_imp_percentage_protected | integer | post impression percentage Protected | 0 - 100 | use in conjunction with below post_imp_detection_enabled |
post_imp_percentage_forensiq | integer | post impression percentage ForensIQ | 0 - 100 | use in conjunction with below post_imp_detection_enabled |
pre_bid_blocking_enabled | boolean | pre-bid filtering active | true / false | |
pre_bid_blocking_components | array string | pre-bid filtering providers | ["springserve", "whiteops", "protected"] | specify percentages using post_imp_percentage for providers |
key_ids | array integer | KVPs included in reporting | [2102, 3124] | max 15 reporting keys per router |
note | string | notes | "notes about router" | |
min_aspect_ratio | string | min aspect ratio as float | "0.563" | 9:16 (0.56) |
max_aspect_ratio | string | max aspect ratio as float | "1.777" | 16:9 (1.78) |
format | string | ad format type | "video" / "tile" / "audio" | |
third_party_overrides | boolean | n/a | ||
player_sizes | array integer | player size targeting | ["xs", "s", "m", "l", "xl", "u"] | |
user_agent_devices | array string | allowed device targeting | ["Computer", "Mobile Web", "Mobile In-app", "Tablet Web", "Tablet In-app", "Games Console", "CTV", "Set-top Box", "Other"] | [] - empty array targets all devices |
user_agent_brands | array string | allowed device brand targeting | ["Samsung", "Philips", "Panasonic", "Hisense", "Vizio", "Sanyo", "Magnavox", "Android TV", "LG", "Comcast", "Other Connected TV", "Apple TV", "Roku", "Fire TV", "Chromecast", "Smartcast by Vizio"] | [] - empty array targets all brands |
user_agent_operating_systems | array string | allowed OS targeting | ["Android", "iOS", "Linux", "Windows", "Mac OS X", "Chrome OS", "Fire OS", "Xbox OS", "VIZIO SmartCast", "Tizen", "Roku OS", "webOS TV", "Other"] | [] - empty array targets all operating systems |
user_agent_browsers | array string | allow browser targeting | ["Chrome", "Edge", "Firefox", "Safari", "IE", "Chromium", "Chrome Mobile", "WebView", "Android", "Samsung Browser", "Facebook on Android", "Facebook on iOS", "Mobile Safari", "Roku App"] | [] - empty array targets all browsers |
segment_targeting_enabled | boolean | audience segment targeting active | true / false | use in conjunction with segment_groups |
segment_groups | array object | audience segment targeting groups and types | [ { "id": 28839, "group": "1", "white_list": true, "segment_group_type": "segments", "segment_ids": [ 10869, 10004 ], "partner_segment_ids": [] } ] | use multiple groups for OR targeting and same group for AND targeting. "whitelist": true/false, for allow or block user segments |
blocking_unknown_advertiser_domains | boolean | toggle to block unknown advertiser domains | Blocks all SSHB and Open Market demand tags that don't return an Advertiser Domain in the VAST response | |
country_source | string | country targeting source | "list" / "values" | use in conjunction with either country_list_ids if value is "lists" or country_codes if value is "values" |
country_list_ids | array integer | ID of country lists | [184] | use in conjunction with country_source with value "lists". |
country_white_list | boolean | country targeting include / exclude | true (include) / false (exclude) | true - false - |
country_codes | array string | country code | ["UK", "US", "IT"] | ISO 3166 Alpha-2 codes |
dma_source | string | DMA targeting source | "list" / "values" | use in conjunction with either country_list_ids if value is "lists" or country_codes if value is "values" |
dma_list_ids | array integer | ID of DMA lists | [199] | use in conjunction with country_source with value "lists". |
dma_white_list | boolean | DMA targeting include / exclude | true / false | true - include false - exclude |
dma_codes | array integer | DMA ID | [525] | |
targeted_iab_category_white_list | boolean | IAB tier 1 targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all categories) | |
targeted_iab_categories | array string | IAB tier 1 category name | ["Automotive"] | IAB content taxonomy download |
targeted_iab_tier2_categories_white_list | boolean | IAB tier 2 targeting active | true (allowlist) / false (blocklist) / null (all categories) | |
targeted_iab_tier2_category | array string | IAB tier 2 category name | ["Auto Body Styles", "Automotive"] | IAB content taxonomy download |
dnt_values | array string | DNT (do not track) targeting | ["true", "false", "empty"] | |
dnt_param_required | boolean | DNT (do not track) parameter required | true / false | |
lmt_values | array string | LMT (limit tracking) targeting | ["true", "false", "empty"] | |
lmt_param_required | boolean | LMT (limit tracking) parameter required | ["true", "false", "empty"] | |
us_privacy_supply_white_list | boolean | US privacy targeting active | true / false | |
us_privacy_param_required | boolean | US privacy parameter required | true / false | |
us_privacy_values | array string | US privacy values | ["1yyy"] | |
gdpr_supply_param_required | boolean | supply from GDPR country flag required | true / false | |
gdpr_supply_values | array string | supply from GDPR country flag targeting values | ["true", "false", "empty"] | |
gdpr_consent_param_required | boolean | GDPR consent string parameter required | true / false | |
gdpr_consent_string_values | array string | GDPR consent string targeting | ["valid", "invalid", "empty"] | valid - valid consent string invalid - invalid consent string |
coppa_values | array string | allowed COPPA values | ["true", "false", "empty"] | |
coppa_param_required | boolean | COPPA parameter required | true / false | |
audited_creative_statuses | array string | allowed audited creative statuses | ["pending", "approved", "rejected"] | |
supply_router_ratios | array object | linked supply tags to current router and ratios | { "supply_tag_id": 703046, "ratio": 1, "fallback_supply_tag_id": null } |
, multiple selections available,
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