The life cycle of an ad request in Springserve is captured by different events. These events are made available in Log Level Data (LLD).
Event | LLD Column | VPAID or VAST | Supply or demand | Definition |
router_blocked_request | #N/A | both | supply | Request that does not pass targeting on the router |
router_missed_opportunity | ROUTER_MISSED_OPPORTUNITIES | both | supply | Requests that pass router targeting, but for which no supply tag was eligible due to targeting |
router_usable_request | ROUTER_USABLE_REQUESTS | both | supply | Requests that pass both router and supply tag targeting |
routed_missed_request | ROUTED_MISSED_REQUESTS | both | supply | Supply tag requests missed due to supply tag targeting |
missed_opportunity | MISSED_OPPORTUNITIES | both | supply | If a router is not used and no supply tag is eligible due to targeting |
ad_request | AD_REQUESTS | both | supply | Incoming ad request to a supply tag that has passed global blacklist, supply tag targeting, and pre-bid IVT filtering (if applicable) |
js_demand_request | AD_REQUESTS | VPAID | demand | VPAID requests made to advertiser for demand. |
ssb_demand_request | AD_REQUEST, BIDDER_REQUEST, SSHB_BID_REQUEST | VAST | demand | VAST requests made to advertiser for demand. |
ssb_supply_error | JS_ERRORS, SUPPLY_TIMEOUTS, SUPPLY_RESP_TIME | VAST | supply | VAST supply tag error |
js_supply_error | JS_ERRORS, VPAID_TIME_ON_PAGE, SUPPLY_TIMEOUTS | VPAID | supply | VPAID supply tag error |
ssb_demand_error | ERRORS, OPP_TIMEOUTS, SSHB_BIDDER_ERRORS, SSHB_BIDS (THIS IS A VALID BID CHECK) | VAST | demand | VAST demand tag error |
js_demand_error | ERRORS, OPP_TIMEOUTS | VPAID | demand | VPAID demand tag error |
ssb_vast_response | VAST_RESPONSES | VAST | demand | Response from demand that contains at least one valid ad |
js_demand_response | HAS_ADS | VPAID | demand | For VPAID, when a demand tag responds. |
openrtb_response | BIDS | both | demand | Response from Springserve open market demand tags |
ssb_demand_opportunity | AP_SLOTS_OPPORTUNITY | VAST | demand | For VAST, when a demand tag returns a bid |
js_demand_opportunity | AP_SLOTS_OPPORTUNITY | VPAID | demand | For VPAID, when a demand tag returns a bid |
ssb_auction_win | SSHB_WINS | VAST | demand | For VAST, when a demand tag wins auction |
js_auction_win | BIDDER_WINS | VPAID | demand | For VPAID, when a demand tag wins auction |
openrtb_auction_win | BIDDER_WINS | both | demand | Springserve open market demand tag wins auction |
ssb_supply_opportunity | JS_OPPORTUNITIES | VAST | supply | For VAST, when a bid is returned in the auction to a supply tag. This occurs when a bid passes Inventory Quality and Media File targeting on the supply tag. |
js_opportunity | JS_OPPORTUNITIES | VPAID | supply | For VPAID, when a bid is returned in the auction to a supply tag. This occurs when a bid passes Inventory Quality and Media File targeting on the supply tag. |
pod_response | AP SLOTS COUNT, AP SLOTS OPPORTUNITY, AP SLOTS SECONDS AVAILABLE, AP SLOTS OPPORTUNITY SECONDS, AP AD SECONDS | both | supply | Podded ad response returned to client |
vast_impression | JS_IMPRESSIONS | VAST | supply & demand | Springserve impression beacon fired |
vast_impression_duplicate | DUPLICATE_IMPRESSIONS | VAST | supply & demand | Unique impression pixel in a VAST response gets fired more than once |
player_start | PLAYER_STARTS | VPAID | supply & demand | For VPAID, when players starts running on page |
js_start | PLAYER_STARTS | VPAID | demand | For VPAID, when video ad started |
js_impression | JS_IMPRESSIONS | VPAID | supply & demand | Video ad has played through 1/2 of its duration. |
js_first_quartile | FIRST_QUARTILE | both | demand | Video ad has played through 1/4 of its duration. |
js_midpoint | SECOND_QUARTILE | both | demand | Video ad has played through 1/2 of its duration. |
js_third_quartile | THIRD_QUARTILE | both | demand | Video ad has played through 3/4 of its duration. |
js_complete | FOURTH_QUARTILE | both | demand | Video ad has played through its entire duration. |
js_impression_duplicate | DUPLICATE_IMPRESSIONS | VPAID | supply & demand | Unique impression pixel in a VAST response gets fired more than once |
js_click | CLICKS | VPAID | demand | Ad is clicked by end user. |