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Clearline Log Level Data Events


***ClearLine Log Level Data should be set up with these events only*** : impressions, clicks, starts, first_quartile, second_quartile, third_quartile, and fourth_quartile, and js_impressions.


Field NameField Data Type

Field Description

ymdhtimestampTimestamp of the event, in UTC, in ISO format. The character "T" serves as the separator between Date and Time parts. Format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
account_idintClearline account ID
demand_tag_idintClearline demand tag ID

Clearline campaign ID

creative_idintClearline creative ID
auction_idString (UUID)Unique ID identifying an auction; different events can be tied together through their auction ID
user_idString (UUID)User's Clearline cookie ID
user_ipStringIP address of the user
user_agentStringFull user-agent string of the user
countryString (max length 2)Country code (e.g. "US", "GB", "DE")

Full-page url that is declared on the incoming ad request.

declared_player_sizeString (max length 7)

Declared player size. Sizes are based on width and are defined by the following boundaries:

  • <= 0 - "unknown"
  • 1 <= w <= 249 - "x-small"
  • 250 <= w <= 349 - "small"
  • 350 <= w <= 500 - "medium"
  • 501 <= w <= 799 - "large"
  • 800 <= w - "x-large"
detected_player_sizeString (max length 7)
Player size detected by our VPAID. Same boundaries as declared_player_size
js_impressionsintImpression served (JS VPAID)
clicksintVideo ad is clicked on by user
costnumeric(16,10)Media cost the Clearline account pays the supply partner (for this event)
revenuenumeric(16,10)Revenue the Clearline account is paid by the demand partner (for this event)
third_party_feesnumeric(16,10)Any third party fees for the demand partner (for this event)
first_quartileintVideo ad has played through 1/4 of its duration.
second_quartileintVideo ad has played through 1/2 of its duration.

Video ad has played through 3/4 of its duration.

fourth_quartileintVideo ad has played through its entire duration.
device_id_hashedString (max 40)User device identifier for Mobile and Connected TV's, stored hashed for privacy compliance 
dma_idintID corresponding to Demographic Market Area (DMA)
postal_codeString (max 16)

Postal code for US & CA traffic only.

stateString (max 7)
CityString (max 64)
startsintVideo ad started
app_nameString (Max 256)App name as it is sent from the supply request
app_bundleString (Max 256)App bundle as it is sent in the supply request
adomainString (Max 128)Advertiser domain
duplicate_impressionsintImpressions that are duplicate (ie. same impression beacon fired more than once)
bid_price_actualnumeric(16,10)Non-price reduced bid value as returned in the bid response from a demand partner
bid_price_reducednumeric(16,10)Price reduced bid value
device_idstring (max 40)The user specific Device Identifier, ex: AAID, RIDA, IFA
coppabooleanWhether supply is COPPA compliant (1) or not (0). Determined by the presence of the corresponding parameter in the ad request.
us_privacybooleanWhether Supply is CCPA compliant (1) or not (0). Determined by the presence of the corresponding parameter in the ad request.
dntbooleanDo Not Track enabled (1) or not (0). Determined by the presence of the corresponding parameter in the ad request.
gdprbooleanWhether Supply is GDPR enabled (1) or not (0). Determined by the presence of the corresponding parameter in the ad request.
lmtbooleanLimit Ad tracking enabled (1) or not (0). Determined by the presence of the corresponding parameter in the ad request.
app_idintThe app_id from the incoming dsp_data object
content_idintContent ID passed in the content_data object. IRIS segment IDs will be passed through this field.
detected_adomainstringDetected advertiser domain value
publisher_namestringRTB publisher name field
publisher_id_stringString (Max 38)Specific to Clearline and is the publisher_id
inventory_sourcestringSource of the supply
languagestringLanguage of the content
content_episodestringEpisode name of the content
content_genre_liststringGenre of the content
content_producer_namestringProducer of the content
content_rating_liststringRating of the content
channel_nameString (Max 64)Name of the channel
content_seasonstringSeaons of the content
content_seriesstringSeries of the content
content_titlestringTitle of the content
networkstringPublisher declared network of the content
production_qualityintProduction Quality of the content
livestreambooleanIndicates whether the content is a livestream or not
declared_domainString (max length128)Declared domain on the incoming ad request.
event_typeString (max length 128)List of Event Types can be found here.
deal_idsstringDeal ID associated with the inventory source
iris_idstringPublisher declared IRIS identifier. More information on IRIS here.
iris_contextstringPublisher declared IRIS context. More information on IRIS here.
brand_nameString (Max 64)Device brand
platform_feesintContractual platform fee
non_billable_feesintAggregated 'Fees' as entered on Settings page of Demand Partner, Campaign. These fees are applied when using the Gross Cost budget type.
expired_impressionsintImpressions fired outside of the beacon expiry (aka time to live) as determined by the SSP. These are not billed.
device_type_idintThe Device type identifier as defined below.
  • 0 Other
  • 1 Computer
  • 2 Mobile
  • 3 Tablet
  • 4 Game Console
  • 5 Digital Media Receiver
  • 6 Wearable Computer
  • 7 Connected TV
  • 20 Games Console
  • 21 Mobile In-app
  • 22 Mobile Web
  • 23 Tablet In-app
  • 24 Tablet Web
  • 25 CTV
  • 26Set-top Box