Everything that you can do in the UI can be done using our API!
The SpringServe API is a simple REST API that you can use no matter what your favorite programming language is.
Base Url
SpringServe SDK
For your (and our) convenience we have created a python interface to our API.
This library makes every part of our API more convenient and intuitive. With SDK you can use:
- Intuitive functions to replace requests and authentication process
- Tab completion to speed up your process and see available fields seamlessly.
- easy-access documentation
Configure and Authorize using your UI login information in one line.
SDK is very compatible with ipython, making the API much more useful for data analysis and debugging via python.
Example of tab completion
In [1]: import springserve In [2]: springserve.<tab> springserve.API springserve.demand_tags springserve.domain_lists springserve.quality_reports springserve.raw_get springserve.reports springserve.setup_config springserve.supply_tags ...
See documentation on the function of supply_tags
In [3]: springserve.supply_tags.get? Signature: springserve.supply_tags.get(path_param=None, reauth=False, **query_params) Docstring: Make a get request to this api service. Allows you to pass in arbitrary query paramaters. Examples:: # get all supply_tags tags = springserve.supply_tags.get() for tag in tags: print tag.id, tag.name # get one supply tag tag = springserve.supply_tag.get(1) print tag.id, tag.name # get by many ids tags = springserve.supply_tags.get(ids=[1,2,3]) # get users that are account_contacts (ie, using query string # params) users = springserve.users.get(account_contact=True)
Examples of simple functions to replace messy requests, plus more tab completion:
# get a supply tag by its id In [4]: tag = springserve.supply_tags.get(123) In [5]: tag.<tab> tag.active tag.domain_list_ids tag.player_size_targeting tag.supply_partner_id tag.allowed_player_sizes tag.domain_targeting tag.rate tag.supply_type tag.country_codes tag.id tag.raw tag.country_targeting tag.name tag.save tag.demand_tag_priorities tag.payment_terms tag.supply_group_id # see contents of a field In [6]: tag.name Out [6]: "My test tag" # change the field and save it In [7]: tag.name = "My new test tag" In [8]: resp = tag.save()
If you have multiple logins for SpringServe, you can set credentials:
springserve.set_credentials(user='blah@blah.com', password="mypassword", base_url='https://console.springserve.com/api/v0')
SDK will allow you to work more efficiently, we highly encourage you to use it for all your SpringServe API needs.
Download it from Github
End points
You can find information about all of the different API end points below. We show examples of using the REST API as well as SDK for all of them.