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Delivery Modifiers can be created, edited and viewed using the API.  When you have created a Delivery Modifier, you can use that list in the Settings > Delivery Modifiers section on a Demand Tag.

This feature is available for ClearLine account types.

Creating a Delivery Modifier

(Fig. 1A) Modifier Rules

Each object within the modifer_rules array needs to contain the following keys:

KeyData TypeRequiredExamples
source_typestringTrue"values", "list"
multiplierstringTrue"1.05" (5% increment), "0.95" (5% decrement)


stringTrue*See Fig. 1B, "Modifier Rule Object" column
*Values Key Name*, which depends on the value for source_typevariesTrue*See Fig. 1B, "Values Key Name" column

(Fig. 1B) List of Modifier Rule Objects

if source_type =  "values"if source_type = "list"
Modifier Rule ObjectValues Key NameData TypeValues Key NameData Type
DeviceTypeuser_agent_devicesstring arrayN/AN/A
OperatingSystemuser_agent_operating_systemsstring arrayN/AN/A
DealIdListmodifier_rule_valuesstring arraydeal_id_list_idsinteger
PublisherIdListmodifier_rule_valuesstring arraypublisher_id_list_idsinteger
DomainListmodifier_rule_valuesstring arraydomain_list_idsinteger
AppBundleListmodifier_rule_valuesstring arrayapp_bundle_list_idsinteger
AppNameListmodifier_rule_valuesstring arrayapp_name_list_idsinteger
Countrycountry_codesstring arraycountry_list_idsinteger
Dmadma_codesstring arraydma_list_idsinteger
Statestate_codesstring arraystate_list_idsinteger
Citycity_codesstring arraycity_list_idsinteger
PostalCodepostal_codesstring arraypostal_code_list_idsinteger


Method: POST

Endpoint: /api/v0/delivery_modifiers

What can be included in the request body:

KeyData TypeRequiredNotes
namestringTrueModifier title
descriptionstringFalseAdd your own description
activeboolFalseDefault = true
modifier_rulesobject arrayTrueAt least one rule object required in array, see Fig. 1A


Content-Type application/json
Authorization "yourAuthToken"

Body (example)

  "name": "Delivery Modifier - Test",
  "modifier_rules": [
      "source_type": "values",
      "multiplier": "1.05",
      "modifier_rule_object": "DealIdList",
      "modifier_rule_values": [

Response: Status code 200

  "id": 2,
  "account_id": 10,
  "name": "Delivery Modifier - Test",
  "description": null,
  "active": true,
  "created_at": "2023-11-16T18:41:20.330Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-11-16T18:41:20.330Z",
  "modifier_rules": [
      "id": 1702,
      "source_type": "values",
      "multiplier": "1.05",
      "modifier_rule_object": "DealIdList",
      "modifier_rule_values": [

Get a Delivery Modifier


Method: GET

Endpoint: /api/v0/delivery_modifiers/<id>


Content-Type application/json
Authorization "yourAuthToken"

Response: Status code 200

  "id": 2,
  "account_id": 10,
  "name": "Delivery Modifier - Test",
  "description": null,
  "active": true,
  "created_at": "2023-11-16T18:41:20.330Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-11-16T18:41:20.330Z",
  "modifier_rules": [
      "id": 1702,
      "source_type": "values",
      "multiplier": "1.05",
      "modifier_rule_object": "DealIdList",
      "modifier_rule_values": [

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