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Polling request body (example)
**NOTE that you must add the report_id to the initial payload.
Code Block |
{ "report_id": "15118956000004308405d5cf3f869a6208b768f0295eb", "start_date": "2017-11-28", "end_date": "2015-11-15", "interval": "day", "dimensions": ["supply_type"], "async": "true" } |
parameter | options (if applicable) | notes |
start_date | "2015-12-01 00:00:00" or "2015-12-01" | minutes and seconds are ignored ie must be "yyyy-mm-dd hh:00:00" |
end_date | "2015-12-02 00:00:00" or "2015-12-01" | minutes and seconds are ignored ie must be "yyyy-mm-dd hh:00:00" |
interval | "hour", "day", "cumulative" | |
timezone | "UTC", "America/New_York" | defaults to America/New_York |
date_range | Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days | date_range takes precedence over start_date/end_date |
sort | an array of dimensions | ex. `["supply_tag_id desc"]` |
dimensions | supply_tag_id, demand_tag_id, declared_domain, detected_domain, demand_type, supply_type, supply_router_id, supply_partner_id, demand_partner_id, supply_tag_label, demand_tag_label, key_values, country, declared_player_size, detected_player_size, demand_code, device_id, device_brand, marketplace_type, buying_demand_tag_id, selling_supply_tag_id, campaign_id, campaign_name, environment, vpaid_type, app_name, app_bundle, os_id, adomain, detected_adomain, vast_error_code, content_id, content_title, channel_name, content_genre, content_episode, content_season, content_series, network_name, production_quality, rating, livestream, language, content_custom1_param, content_custom2_param, content_custom3_param | domain is only available when using date_range of Today, Yesterday, or Last 7 Days to add a specific key as a dimension: "key:my_key" please note that some dimensions are mutually exclusive, you cannot run a key-value report with adomain or content dimensions, for example |
metrics | an array of metrics | ex.`["vast_impressions"]` will limit the results to the metrics chosen |
the following parameters act as filters; pass an array of values (usually IDs) | ||
supply_router_ . List of metrics below: ad_start_ratio, analyzed_impressions, ap_opt_out, avg_impression_time_filled, avg_pod_time_filled, avg_pod_time_returned, avg_slots_returned, avg_supply_response_time, bid_rate, bids, blocked_pre_bid_ivt, blocked_rate_pre_bid_ivt, blocked_rate_total, blocked_request_rate, blocked_requests, blocked_total, breakout_impressions, click_through_rate, clicks, cost, cpm, demand_requests, duplicate_impressions, efficiency_rate, error_rate, errors, fill_rate, first_quartile, forensiq_impressions, forensiq_ivt_impressions, forensiq_ivt_rate, fourth_quartile, fourth_quartile_rate, heavy_ad_rate, heavy_ads, human_blocked, human_blocked_rate, ias_bot_impressions, ias_groupm_viewability_rate, ias_impressions, ias_ivt_rate, ias_mrc_viewability_rate, impressions, margin, missed_opportunities, moat_bot_impressions, moat_bot_rate, moat_complete_audible_visible_rate, moat_groupm_viewability_rate, moat_human_impressions, moat_human_rate, moat_viewability_rate, net_margin, net_ppm, net_profit, opportunities, opportunity_fill_rate, opportunity_rate, player_starts, pod_slot_request_fill_rate, pod_slot_requests, pod_slot_return_fill_rate, pod_slot_return_rate, pod_slots_returned, pod_time_filled, pod_time_request_fill_rate, pod_time_requested, pod_time_returned, pod_time_returned_fill_rate, pod_time_returned_rate, ppm, prebid_attempts_protected_media, prebid_blocked_protected_media, prebid_blocked_protected_media_rate, profit, protected_media_ivt_impressions, protected_media_ivt_rate, protected_media_total_impressions, response_time, revenue, routed_missed_request_rate, routed_missed_requests, router_fallback_requests, router_missed_opportunities, router_opp_rate, router_request_fill_rate, router_total_requests, router_usable_request_rate, router_usable_requests, rpm, rpmr, score, second_quartile, starts, third_party_fees, third_quartile, timeout_rate, timeouts, total_cost, total_impressions, total_requests, usable_request_rate, usable_requests, use_rate, vast_responses, vpaid_window, win_fill_rate, win_rate, wins | ex.`["vast_impressions"]` will limit the results to the metrics chosen | |
the following parameters act as filters; pass an array of values (usually IDs) | ||
supply_router_ids | [1234, 5678] | |
supply_tag_ids | [22423,22375, 25463] | can filter by one or more supply tag |
demand_tag_ids | [22423,22375, 25463] | |
declared_domains | ["", ""] | |
detected_domains | ["", ""] | |
supply_types | ["Syndicated","Third-Party"] | |
supply_partner_ids | [30,42,41] | |
supply_tag_label_ids | [13,15,81] | |
demand_partner_ids | [3,10,81] | |
demand_tag_label_ids | [4, 8, 10] | |
demand_types | ["Vast Only","FLASH"] | |
demand_codes | [10023, 13341, 12343] | |
account_id | 103 | Relevant if you have access to multiple account ids. Cannot be a list of ids. |
limit | 10 | Limit the number of records returned |
page | 10 | The page requested for results over 20K rows. If there are 20,000 entries in your result, you need to call multiple pages, until you get an empty response. |
keys | ["my_key1", "my_key2"] | |
key_values | {"my_key":"my_value"} | |
environments | ["desktop", "mobile"] | |
buying_demand_tag_ids | [134523, 198523, 123413] | |
selling_supply_tag_ids | [93471, 51235, 102345] | |
vpaid_types | ["both", "flash"] | |
campaign_ids | [1151, 1142] | |
country_codes | ["US", "AU"] | |
declared_player_sizes | ["small", "medium"] | 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large' |
detected_player_sizes | ["small", "medium"] | |
device_ids | [1,2] | 0=Other, 1=Computer, 2=Mobile, 3=Tablet, 4=Game Console, 5=Digital Media Receiver, 6= Wearable Computer, 7= Connected TV |
marketplace_type_ids | [2,3] | 1 = managed, 2 = DC Sold, 3 = DC to DC, 4 = DC Bought |
vast_error_codes | [1648, 1651, 1652] | See VAST Error Codes here |
app_names | ["solitare", "candy crush"] | |
app_bundles | ["", ""] |