The easiest way to take advantage of the ad pod capabilities available in SpringServe is to set the default ad pod setting to "Dynamic". This will enforce two macros in the export tab that you could use to specify your Maximum duration (pod_max_dur) of the ad pod and the ad slot settings (pod_ad_slots). The pod_ad_slots setting needs to be populated with a range if it is being used. For information on how to populate the macros properly go here: Macros. If you leave the macros blank SpringServe assumes a Maximum Pod duration of 180 300 seconds - 3 5 minutes - with a maximum Ad slot allotment of 10, assuming you have enough demand to fill 10 slots and 3 5 minutes. If there is not enough demand to fill the entire 3 5 minutes your pod will complete and the content will resume.
Slot Positioning: This feature refers to how you want to setup your slot waterfall management. Order, enables a "first, middle, last" waterfall order and number enables a numeric order if you have a custom ad pod. For Dynamic ad pods the only option is to use order, for custom you could use either.
EX: Slot Order - Will Prioritize the first and Last slot positions, before Middle.
EX: Slot Number - Will treat each number in the waterfall as its owns waterfall. If a number is skipped over, the next number in line will be given an opportunity until the pod is filled.
Ad Pod Demand Set up
An Ad Pod request calls 12 ads all at once so it is in your best interest to have at least 12 demand tags available in the waterfall. We suggest using tiers and setting a priority value on each tag in order of importance, with directly sourced tags at the top. Note that if your demand stack includes DirectConnect tags, all 12 requests may go to underlying demand and other tags in the waterfall may not fill.