Versions Compared


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  • For factors GREATER than 1.0, we multiply the rate of pacing times the factor. So a factor of 3.0 on publisher ID 12345 would mean that we are 3x less likely to block that request due to pacing than normal (assuming there is still budget available).

    • Another way to phrase this is the rate of pacing (ie. the time the pacing system looks to complete the current budget period) is effected at a rate of the delivery modifier value

    • For example if a delivery modifier value of 23.0 is applied the rate of pacing is (23.0) which means the pacing system will attempt to complete the budget in 1/2 3 the budget period

  • Similarly, for factors LESS than 1.0, we also multiply the rate of pacing times the factor. For example, a factor of 0.5 on channel id 56789 would mean that we are half as likely to return an ad on that request than we normally would. 

    • if a delivery modifier value of 0.5 is applied the rate of pacing is (0.5) and the system will pace towards that rule at 1/2 the rate (ie. the budget won’t complete on this rule alone)

  • The MAX value for a Delivery Modifier is 5.0. Any value above 5.0 will be ignored (treated as a 1.0)
