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Polling request body (example)
**NOTE that you must add the report_id to the initial payload.

Code Block
	"report_id": "15118956000004308405d5cf3f869a6208b768f0295eb",
	"start_date": "2017-11-28",
	"end_date": "2015-11-15",
	"interval": "day",
	"dimensions": ["supply_type"],
	"async": "true"


parameteroptions (if applicable)notes
start_date"2015-12-01 00:00:00" or "2015-12-01"minutes and seconds are ignored ie must be "yyyy-mm-dd hh:00:00"
end_date"2015-12-02 00:00:00" or "2015-12-01"minutes and seconds are ignored ie must be "yyyy-mm-dd hh:00:00"
interval"hour", "day", "cumulative"
timezone"UTC", "America/New_York"defaults to America/New_York
date_rangeToday, Yesterday, Last 7 Daysdate_range takes precedence over start_date/end_date
sortan array of dimensionsex. `["supply_tag_id desc"]`
dimensionssupply_tag_id, demand_tag_id, declared_domain, detected_domain, demand_type, supply_type, supply_router_id, supply_partner_id, demand_partner_id, supply_tag_label, demand_tag_label, key_values, country, declared_player_size, detected_player_size, demand_code, device_id, marketplace_type, buying_demand_tag_id, selling_supply_tag_id, campaign_id, campaign_name, environment, vpaid_type, app_name, app_bundle, os_id, adomain, content_id, content_title, channel_name, content_genre, content_episode, content_season, content_series, network_name, production_quality, rating, livestream, language, content_custom1_param, content_custom2_param, content_custom3_param

domain is only available when using date_range of Today, Yesterday, or Last 7 Days

to add a specific key as a dimension: "key:my_key"

please note that some dimensions are mutually exclusive, you cannot run a key-value report with adomain or content dimensions, for example

metricsan array of metricsex.`["vast_impressions"]` will limit the results to the metrics chosen
the following parameters act as filters; pass an array of values (usually IDs)
[1234, 5678]


[22423,22375, 25463]

can filter by one or more supply tag
demand_tag_ids[22423,22375, 25463]
declared_domains["", ""]
detected_domains["", ""]
demand_tag_label_ids[4, 8, 10]
demand_types["Vast Only","FLASH"]
demand_codes[10023, 13341, 12343]

Relevant if you have access to multiple account ids. Cannot be a list of ids.

limit10Limit the number of records returned 
page10The page requested for results over 20K rows. If there are 20,000 entries in your result, you need to call multiple pages, until you get an empty response.
keys["my_key1", "my_key2"]

environments["desktop", "mobile"]
buying_demand_tag_ids[134523, 198523, 123413]
selling_supply_tag_ids[93471, 51235, 102345]
vpaid_types["both", "flash"]
campaign_ids[1151, 1142]
country_codes["US", "AU"]
declared_player_sizes["small", "medium"]'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large'
detected_player_sizes["small", "medium"]
device_ids[1,2]0=Other, 1=Computer, 2=Mobile, 3=Tablet, 4=Game Console, 5=Digital Media Receiver, 6= Wearable Computer, 7= Connected TV
marketplace_type_ids[2,3]1 = managed, 2 = DC Sold, 3 = DC to DC, 4 = DC Bought
app_names["solitare", "candy crush"]
app_bundles["", ""]content_custom1_param["my_value1", "my_value2"]Can also use 'content_custom2_param' and 'content_custom3_param'

Reporting Limits

Reports run in the API are limited to 500k rows.
